The authorities’ control of transboundary waste shipments
The investigation reveals that the authorities' control and inspection work is inadequate, that the risk of detection is low and sanctioning ineffective.
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The investigation reveals that the authorities' control and inspection work is inadequate, that the risk of detection is low and sanctioning ineffective.
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The investigation reveals that the Norwegian government authorities do not have the necessary overview of the risks of natural disasters in a future climate.
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The investigation reveals that the national follow-up from the Norwegian government has lacked both coordination and a comprehensive plan for implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and that the quality of...
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The goal of this investigation was to assess Norway’s efforts to establish an effective means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries.
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Financial support and other measures to reduce energy use in buildings have had very little effect, as shown by the Office of the Auditor General's investigation of the authorities' work on energy eff...
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